Did you know:
It is a legal requirement to clean canopies, extractors and vents every 6 months and for busy kitchens cleaning is recommended every 3 months?
Tri-Extreem Smart Clean specialise in the efficient and professional cleaning services of kitchen canopies and extraction ducts in residential, commercial and industrial markets. We use specialised equipment equipped with brushes or scrubbing mechanisms to efficiently and thoroughly clean extraction systems. The equipment is designed to improve cleaning efficiency, reduce labour costs, and ensure consistent cleanliness. This is what visitors will see at Cleantex Africa 2024!
As a first-time exhibitor we look forward to meeting industry representatives from hospitality, healthcare, facilities, food processing, restaurant, government, and educational institutions.
We clean:
- Extraction Canopies including all types of filters
- Extraction Horizontal & Vertical Ductwork
- Extraction Fans
- Sound Attenuators
- Extraction Hoods & Grilles
- Kitchen Walls
- Kitchen Floors
- Kitchen Ceilings
- Kitchen Cooking / Grilling / Preparation Equipment
- Outdoor extraction wall stains
- Grease, grime and oil on floors, walls and brick work
It is of vital importance to keep food preparation areas clean. As a vital part of the functionality of any kitchen the extractor hood must be considered in terms of health and safety as it plays a vital role in maintaining a clean and pleasant working environment in the kitchen. It not only helps to draw out fumes, steam and smells, but also keeps the air clear.